Match each autobidding strategy to the right campaign goal.

Question: Match each autobidding strategy to the right campaign goal.


  • Conversions – Target CPA
  • Revenue – Target ROAS
  • Visibility – Target impression share
  • Traffic – Maximize clicks
Match each autobidding strategy to the right campaign goal.
Match each autobidding strategy to the right campaign goal.

In the pursuit of optimal outcomes in your promotional endeavors, it becomes paramount to align each automated bidding strategy with its corresponding campaign objective. Presented below is a meticulously arranged catalogue that associates automated bidding strategies with their respective campaign aspirations:

  1. Augment Click Maximization: Campaign Objective: Escalate website traffic and foster engagement.
  2. Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition): Campaign Objective: Attain a specified cost for each conversion or acquisition.
  3. Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Campaign Objective: Amplify revenue and enhance profitability in accordance with a predetermined return on ad spend.
  4. Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC): Campaign Objective: Strike an equilibrium between manual oversight and automated bidding to optimize for click-throughs.
  5. Maximize Conversions: Campaign Objective: Propel the greatest number of conversions within the allocated budget.
  6. Target Impression Share: Campaign Objective: Elevate visibility by ensuring ads feature in a specific percentage of eligible auctions.
  7. Target Search Page Location: Campaign Objective: Fine-tune for ad placement on the inaugural page of search results.
  8. Target Outranking Share: Campaign Objective: Engage in competition with a designated adversary by endeavoring to surpass their ad prominence in search results.

It’s imperative to acknowledge that the efficacy of automated bidding strategies is contingent on diverse factors such as campaign objectives, fiscal constraints, and industry competitiveness. Regular vigilance and adjustment of strategies are indispensable to harmonize with dynamic business goals and market vicissitudes.

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