10 Frequently Asked Questions About Real-Time Document Verification Services

online document verification
online document verification

Digital advancement has created opportunities for people, but it also has some dark side, as it has attracted the attention of hackers. The scammer finds it more accessible to hack the client’s account than the in-person robbery. The hackers steal the customer’s personal information and use it for illicit purposes. The clients do not feel safe with the companies prone to data exposure. Therefore, companies have to integrate document verification services into their office work. 

Q1: What is the Verification of Documents?

Companies verify the clients’ documents to check that the papers given by the users are authentic. The system scans the customer’s identity card and bank statement. The company ensures that the client is not involved in the illicit activities. If the user has given any fake or stolen paper, such an act is immediately detected. The organization performs this verification while onboarding the customers. They check whether it is safe to collaborate with such customers or not.

Q2: Who can Verify Documents?

The company uses artificial intelligence tools to verify the client’s profile. The employees do not have to perform this document verification; every task is done by the latest means. Other than this, some experts can also carry out this process. Depending on the operator’s or customer’s convenience, they can commit online or in-person authentications. 

Q3: What Documents are Used for Verification?

It depends upon the business type and the documents they are dealing with.

  • Identity Verification

Government-issued documents of identity, driver’s licenses, and national ID cards are used for document verification.

  • Address Authentication

Documents verified for the address verification are bank statements, residential addresses, and utility bills. 

  • Employment Verification

The document checker verifies the employment records of the clients.

  • Educational Validation

The system checks the degree, certificate, diploma, and transcript.

  • Financial Verification

Credit reports, tax returns, and bank statements are checked through biometric solutions.

  • Legal Verification

Divorce decrees, court orders, and marriage certificates are verified.

Q4: What is the Process of Document Verification?

The identity documents have to go through various steps to check the legitimacy of the clients.

  • First, the scanner checks that the paper is accurate. Any fake or stolen images are rejected on the spot.
  • The system compares the clients’ documents with the government database.
  • If both are matched, users are valid. Otherwise, the authentication is rejected.
  • In the last step, the company measures the risk rate of the customers and makes their profile accordingly.

Q5: Are Document Verification Services Reliable?

The biometric solutions use artificial intelligence tools to verify the client. These solutions are very reliable, and they record exact data. They are very efficient and reliable because they do not commit any mistakes. The companies that use conventional means have to face many complications, as they have to bear the cost, and their corporate image is also affected. The tasks humans do are inaccurate because they sometimes perform wrong entries. The minor errors cause heavy losses to the company. Therefore, the business prefers to use advanced tools.

Q6: How do Companies Gain Clients through Biometric Solutions?

The scanner reads the client’s face and determines whether they like the product so that the companies can design the merchandise accordingly. The clients choose the business that facilitates them to their maximum and creates convenience. Satisfied users also recommend the company to other people. In this way, the organization increases its clients. The loyal users do not leave the company and retain the businesses longer.

Q7: How do Companies Save their Miscellaneous Expenses?

The verification is done digitally, and the clients do not have to be present. Remote businesses primarily use these tools. They save their utility and miscellaneous expenses. The company can utilize this amount in any other task and gain an advantage. Other than this, the documentation is also reduced. The employees do not have to record everything manually; the system saves this record in their database. The artificial intelligence records the through data of the client in their system and uses it for future purposes.


The document verification services are very accurate and reliable. The businesses that are using these services compound their revenue through them. These tools aid in onboarding clients, recording their data, and monitoring the customers’ work. The businesses streamline their operations, as the machine learning tools perform the whole task. The client stays loyal to the brand that gives them services according to their requirement. The organization can rank them globally through these tools, as they can onboard global clients.

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By Editor

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